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Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary Page 3
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“My big sister is human after all. I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.” Alyssa hugged her sister tightly. “Come on, we need to celebrate.”
Chapter Four
Monday morning, Alanna strode into Venisov International ready to start her new job. She’d spent the weekend going through her clothes and pulling together different outfits. After a hasty trip to the drycleaners, she felt comfortable knowing that she had a couple weeks’ worth of clothing that was ready to wear. Several panicked moments were spent looking for her passport, but she now had it safely tucked away in the event any of her travel would be international.
Curious about the company, she spent some time on the internet researching everything she could find on it. She had discovered that the majority of Denisov International’s clients were located in the Baltic Region and much like Alexander had described to her, the company’s growth had been slow to start but rapidly picked up pace in 2010 with the acquisition of five major clients who seemed to provide the bulk of his revenue.
Alyssa was more curious about the man than the company and scoured the internet for additional pictures of Alexander taken at different charity functions. The sisters both squealed in delight, as Alyssa coo’d that he was better looking than some of the models on the covers of her favorite books and Alanna had to agree. He was definitely her kind of fantasy.
Walking up to the reception desk, she smiled at the woman she met on Friday. Clipping her new badge to her jacket, she entered the elevator for the ride up to the top floor. Before the mirrored doors opened, she took a final look at herself. Her black skirt and matching jacket was offset by her emerald green blouse, which highlighted her red hair that she had pulled up off her shoulders in a side chignon.
The elevator doors opened to reveal Amelia silently sitting at her desk.
“Good morning,” Alanna called out as she walked toward her desk.
“Good morning, Alanna,” Amelia answered as she smiled at her. “I have your paperwork to sign.”
“Great.” Taking the folder Amelia handed her, she sat down at the table and quickly read through everything. Satisfied with the contents, she signed her name before handing it back.
When she was finished, Amelia showed her around the top floor as she talked about what to expect working for her brother.
“My brother moves quickly and is very decisive,” Amelia said quietly as Alanna nodded. “He is a fair man, but he is also equally stubborn.”
“I get that, he’s very busy and concerned with the business running smoothly,” Alanna affirmed.
“When he wants something done, he will not take no for an answer,” she confided in Alanna. “If he tells you to do something you haven’t done before, he will watch your response to see whether you can handle the situation quickly. He does not often give second chances.”
“Okay,” Alanna said as she hoped Amelia expanded on her comments.
“What I’m telling you is that if you are tasked with doing something, do not hesitate. He’s demanding, but he’s very direct. He likes that in other people, as well.”
“I appreciate you telling me all of this,” Alanna told her.
“Just remember, he doesn’t like anyone who focuses on negativity. He focuses on resolutions, not small details. He is fearless.” Amelia spoke with affection and respect for her older brother. She admired him, but revealed her need to return to Russia.
Alexander barged out of his office and caused Alanna to jump.
“Alanna!” he shouted. “I need you to take the calendar from my desk and work all of the information into my schedule. I took notes,” he barked at her from outside his office.
“Of course,” Alanna called out as she smiled at Amelia before moving toward his office doors.
“Work closely with my sister, Amelia, she will be leaving us in two weeks and you need to know everything she does before she departs.”
“Of course,” Alanna replied again, as she scooped up the calendar from Alexander’s desk.
“Also, take this,” he said with his hand extended.
She looked at the key he handed her and asked, “What’s this for?”
“It’s a key to my home,” he stated as Alanna looked at him confused. “For you to collect my dry cleaning and leave it with my housekeeper.”
Nodding her head in reply, he continued, “It’s ready,” he told her as he dialed a number on his phone and didn’t make eye contact.
“I’m sorry, what’s ready?” she asked him pointedly.
In response, he smiled at her and said, “My dry cleaning, ask Amelia for the details.”
She carried the scribbled on calendar out of his office as he turned his attention to the person on the other end of the phone. He began yelling, but Alanna quickly closed his office doors and hurried over to Amelia.
“He gave me a key and mentioned something about his dry cleaning,” Alanna told her and showed her the key from Alexander.
“Ah, yes.” Smiling, “I realize that this is contrary to what I just said, but once you get to know him, I would suggest telling him no, once in a while; at least for anything that isn’t directly related to your position,” Amelia advised her charge. “Just once or twice so he knows that he isn’t to take advantage of you. You will learn that he has a tendency to make demands without thinking if it’s appropriate. Mostly because he’s already moved on to the next task.”
Alanna nodded in response and considered Amelia’s words of wisdom. She’d wondered just how far Alexander would take her work duties if she never spoke up for herself.
“I made a mental note of that one,” Alanna declared and hinted at a smile.
“Good, you will go far here at Denisov,” she assured her.
“I hope so,” Alanna replied feeling hopeful.
Amelia scribbled something down on a piece of paper and pushed it over to Alanna, along with the dry cleaner receipt. In her elegant handwriting, Amelia gave her the addresses to the dry cleaning business and Alexander’s home address.
“Here are the addresses. When he instructs you to do something, he becomes very impatient. Since it’s still quiet around here, why don’t you take care of it now and come straight back,” she urged Alanna. Lifting the receiver on her phone, “I will call for a taxi; it should be waiting for you by the time you get downstairs. Oh and here.” She pulled an envelope from her drawer. “Once the company credit card comes in, you will use that, but in the meantime, here is some petty cash to cover your taxi rides and anything else he may ask for.”
Nodding her head, Alanna gratefully took the envelope and placed it in her bag before heading to the elevator. She hadn’t anticipated the need to spend money with the expectation of reimbursement and she was thankful that Amelia had provided her with cash. She breezed down to the first floor and the taxi was already out there waiting on her.
Alanna relayed the dry cleaner’s address to the driver and he sped off. Once outside, she told him to wait before exiting the vehicle to pick up his dry cleaning. Less than ten minutes later, she was back in the taxi and giving the driver Alexander’s home address. Twenty minutes later, Alanna paid the driver before sliding out of the back seat, holding the hangers as she stared up at the luxury apartment building on the Upper West Side. Walking toward the entrance, she smiled at the doorman as he held the door open for her. Entering the sun-drenched interior, she turned around in a full circle as she took in the over-sized skylights that basked the marble-covered lobby in a warm glow. She walked toward the security guard who was sitting behind a counter staring at a series of monitors.
Looking up, his eyes landed on her employee badge. Quickly typing something, he gave her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“You’re all clear, Ms. Vella,” he told her with a gravelly voice. “Take elevator number three to the penthouse.”
Alanna’s thank you seemed to go unheard, as he swiveled his head and returned to the monitors.
Moving to the elevators, she was startl
ed when the elevator she wanted opened its doors as she walked toward it. Entering it, the doors closed swiftly as the car began to rise without her pushing any of the buttons.
“Okay, that’s creepy,” she said aloud. With the ding of a bell, the elevator stopped and the doors smoothly opened.
Stepping out, she looked around at the expansive entryway, which was decorated in a cream monotone from the walls and carpet to the side tables, vases and flowers. Crystal chandeliers twinkled in the artificial light. Walking toward the large double doors, she was surprised when the doors opened before she could use her key.
A diminutive Russian woman appeared on the other side of the door with a smile on her face and arms extended.
“You must be Alanna,” the woman said as she motioned for her to enter the apartment. “Amelia called to say that you were on your way over.”
“Yes, I am,” Alanna replied as she followed the woman into the living room. Her mouth fell open when she took in the opulent furnishings, ornate vases and over-sized paintings. She remembered reading several articles in The Post about the apartment buildings on this side of Central Park and was taken aback at the lavish lifestyle her boss enjoyed. Seeing the grand floor to ceiling windows covering one entire wall, she walked toward it and looked out the window, which overlooked Central Park.
“Wow,” she said, awestruck. “This is amazing.”
When she heard the woman behind her, she quickly turned ready to apologize, but the woman was smiling at her.
“I am constantly looking at that view,” she confided, as Alanna smiled.
“I would too.” Giving Central Park one last look, she handed the woman his dry cleaning.
“Can I get you something to drink,” the woman offered.
Shaking her head, “No, I need to get back to the office, but this definitely made my day, thank you.”
When she exited the elevator in the lobby, she asked the doorman for a taxi and he quickly stepped out to the street with his whistle. As she walked out of the building, the taxi was pulling up. Smiling her thanks for his help, she slid into the backseat and gave the driver the address. As they pulled away, she leaned back to look out the back window at the impressive building.
“Well, I’ll say one thing for him, he doesn’t do anything half-assed,” she told herself.
Looking at the driver, she blushed when she realized that she’d said it aloud. Shaking her head, she chuckled. “Sorry, just talking to myself.”
Chapter Five
Alanna spent the remainder of the day dividing her time between instructions from Amelia and Alexander’s constant shouts for different things. She had to laugh several times when she caught Alexander pouting when she didn’t respond quickly enough but thanks to Amelia’s work diary and calendar, she had a better idea of the types of activities he did throughout the day and knew that in time, her reaction time would be much smoother.
She stood calmly, waiting for him to finish his phone call. Since he had his back to her, she caught him by surprise when he turned in his chair, her name already on his lips. Smiling smugly, she handed him the file Amelia told him he would need. His dazzling smile when he saw it almost took her breath away.
“Yea, I could get used to looks like that,” she told herself and then paused to make sure she didn’t say it aloud. When he didn’t respond, she pointed out that it was well past five.
He waved her off as he became engrossed in what he was reading. Not waiting around, she exited his office and went to retrieve her bag. Amelia had already left for the day, so she headed to the elevator.
After a long day, she was glad to return home. When she opened the door to her apartment, she was met by a pint-sized Batman wearing a Superman cape, as he squealed “Mommy!” before wrapping his arms around her legs.
Dropping her bag, Alanna scooped him up and lifted him over her head, as he giggled. Drawing him in for a hug, she squeezed him tightly causing him to squirm and demand to be put down. Setting him down, he ran off laughing as she kicked off her shoes.
Alyssa entered the room looking exhausted as Alanna looked at her with concern. “Did you spend all day chasing this little guy around?”
“Is it that obvious?” Alyssa asked with a yawn. “We were trying to take a nap, but Roman heard the door creak open and knew it was you.”
“Sorry about that. It’s been a long day for me, too.”
“Tell me about it,” Alyssa demanded as she headed to the kitchen to grab drinks. Handing her sister a bottle of iced tea, she plopped down on the couch and patted the seat beside her.
“I went to Alexander’s place to drop off some dry cleaning today and let me tell you, the penthouse apartment he lives in is fantastic,” Alanna spouted.
“He has a penthouse?” her sister queried.
“Yeah, at least five of our apartments fit inside his living room; it’s so huge.”
“Wow, must be nice,” Alyssa remarked.
“It’s gorgeous; although I doubt he did the decorating,” Alanna smirked. “It had the same feel as the office. Very elegant and austere.”
“Did you get a look at his bedroom?” Alyssa asked. “That’s the best way to find out who he really is.”
“And how would you know that?”
Leaning forward, she pointed to one of the magazines sitting on the table, as Alanna laughed. At that moment, someone knocked at their door and Roman began shouting from the bedroom.
Getting wearily to her feet, Alyssa went to answer the door. “I figured you would be tired after a full day and I know I am, so I ordered pizza from Geno’s.”
“Oh, that’s fantastic,” Alanna told her in approval. As she joined her family at the table, she couldn’t resist telling her, “I’m hoping with all of the money I’m making, I’ll be able to add to our house savings. Who knows, maybe we’ll be able to put something down on a home sooner than we thought.”
“Oh? Maybe a penthouse?”
Shaking her head, “Not in a part of town we’d want to live in but definitely something more permanent.”
Alanna had no time to daydream as she spent her days rushing around as Alexander commanded. She was busy, but grateful that her education and experience were put to good use. After dealing with a particularly difficult client on the telephone, she hung up the phone to see Amelia smiling at her in approval. Tuesday and Wednesday were met with Alexander’s absence, but he’d prepared for the occasions by leaving strict instructions for her to follow.
Wednesday passed by without incident and while Alanna kept busy, she longed to see Alexander’s blue eyes as he stared at her intensely. Before she left for the day, she set aside some time to get Amelia’s travel arrangements taken care of for her flight back to Russia.
“Do you prefer first class or coach?” Alanna asked Amelia and she took notes.
“First class, always,” Amelia told her in response. “Alexander, as well, so you won’t have to ask in the future.”
“Got it,” she began. “Are you in need of transportation or do you have a car waiting upon your arrival?”
“I’ll need a car, something classy,” Amelia replied as Alanna jotted that down.
“Of course,” Alanna agreed. She made notes of everything Amelia required for the long trek back to Russia. She returned to her desk and typed into her computer as she prepared Amelia’s itinerary. Alanna knew that if she sent his sister home in style and elegance, Alexander would be pleased.
She spent the afternoon finishing up the filing and any other small details and was pleased when housekeeping arrived early. Smiling at them, she waved them through to his office and pointed out the areas she wanted cleaned before Alexander returned.
When housekeeping finished, Amelia glanced into the office and offered her seal of approval.
“He will like this,” she announced. “You’ve done well.”
Alanna smiled and waved Amelia off for the day. After she left, Alanna gathered up the contracts and
brought them into Alexander’s office.
Walking around the office, she looked at the pictures hanging on the walls. Stopping to look at one, she was surprised to see a very young Alexander standing next to a young girl who looked very much like Amelia. Turning, she walked back to his desk and sat down in his large black chair. The one thing her grandmother had taught her was that if you wanted the right perspective, you needed to sit in the right spot. Turning in the chair, she tried to look at the room with fresh eyes making sure that nothing looked out of place from where Alexander would be sitting.
With her back to the desk, she leaned into the chair and took a deep breath. The smell of leather and spice made her close her eyes as she thought about him. Spinning back around, she rested her arms on his desk but was interrupted by the sound of chuckling.
Looking up, she flushed when she saw Alexander leaning against the door watching her.
“I’ve only been gone two days and already you are trying out my chair?” he teased as he entered the room.
Smiling, she leaned back, “Well, it is a very comfortable chair.”
Setting his bag down on his desk, he looked around. “Something looks different.”
Smiling, “I think what you’re referring to is the lack of dust,” she teased.
Laughing, “Dah, I do believe that you are right. It looks much better this way; remind me to have it cleaned more often.”
Before Alanna could stand, he strode around the other side of his desk. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“While I never said you couldn’t sit in my chair, in my country that would be considered imperious and I might have to bend you over my desk and spank you.
With a yelp, Alanna pushed back from the desk causing him to have to jump back or risk the chair running into him. Standing, she made a hasty retreat around to the other side of the desk and then flushed when he began laughing.
Blowing out the breath she’d been holding, she blushed.
“I, um, uh…” Pointing to the files on the corner of his desk, “Those are the files you asked me to print.”